Duda Paiva

from June 6th to 9th and from June 12th to 16th, 2023
Duda Paiva

UE 4 - Practical Basics
EC 5: Object Score

(56h – 2 ECTS)

Training objectives : Object Score is a theatrical method. The aim is to bring to life a fictitious/poetic body; an alter ego, an extension of the self, using the body as a landscape for the puppet and vice versa, so as to explore the space and create choreographic patterns. It is a very specific form of choreography for two bodies working under the same mind.
The method is suitable for actors, dancers, puppeteers, singers and circus performers. People who master this technique are a rare breed, multi-tasking creative dreamers, physical puppeteers.
As Sally A. Stewart said about the definition of the total actor: “An actor’s responsibility is not just to act, but to understand the art and especially the art of storytelling.” - Duda Paiva

Duda Paiva is the artistic director of Duda Paiva Company.
Educated as an actor, ballet dancer in Brazil, and butoh dancer in Japan, he moved to the Netherlands in 1996 where he worked as a professional contemporary dancer and choreographer.
Curious and adept at researching multidisciplinary art forms, Paiva pushes the boundaries of visual theater and creates an exciting and unique idiom, blowing life into foam sculptures.