Pauline Thimonnier

June 5th & 6th, 2023
Pauline Thimonnier

UE 3 – Fundamental Theories
EC5 : Active dramaturgy

(32h – 1 ECTS)
Instructors : Pauline Thimonnier and Narguess Majd

Training objectives
After devoting the first year to the study of texts written for the stage and the dramaturgical questions they raise, I propose to explore other types of writing, other dramaturgical situations during the two meetings we will have together in the second year.
We will first look at dramaturgies developing in shows without words (or nearly). In this type of performance (without spoken text), we will distinguish between those that endeavour to reveal a story, to narrate, and those that, following the example of certain forms of new circus or contemporary dance, are organised outside of the fable, the plot, or even the fiction.
A second part will be devoted to the question of adapting literary writings for the stage. It will consist of testing methods of transposition and/or translation (exploiting visual elements, physical theatre, sound, etc.), of reflecting on the passage from story form to stage form. For this, we will rely on the work of two companies used to this kind of exercise: Plexus Polaire and Les Anges au plafond.

See French version