Christina Batman

from June 20th to 23rd and from June 26th to July 1st
Christina Batman
Christina Batman

UE 4 - Practical Basics
EC6: Acting, character construction

(60h - 2 ECTS)

Instructors: Christina Batman and Michael Corbidge.

Training objectives : William’s (Wo)men - A research laboratory - Building Character, holding up the mirror to life.
In this intensive workshop with Michael Corbidge & Christina Batman the aim will be to explore the major principles of the actor’s character building process.
A diversity of techniques and approaches will be explored in order for each actor to conduct a deep level of inquiry for the creation of their given character(s).
The texts and characters will be drawn from the Shakespearean Canon as well as from the writing of various modern & contemporary playwrights.
A « gender blind » policy will allow for a wide set of possible individual choices.
Actors will be required to work in both English and French, the process will be fast paced and a minimum of prior preparation before the session will be expected.
Reading material and texts will be provided in advance to the work.
A public showing of the work will give the group an opportunity to present a devised piece, « William’s (Wo)men » a laboratory work in progress.

“ to hold as ‘twere the mirror up to nature: to show virtue her feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure. ”
Act 3, Scene 2
William Shakespeare

See French version