Alain Lecucq

From September 13th to 18th
Alain Lecucq

UE 4 – Practical Basics
EC1 : Paper theatre, revival

(28h – 1 ECTS)

Instructors : Alain Lecucq and Narguess Majd

Training objectives
A key moment for paper theatre will take place during the Temps d’M festival.
This is an opportunity to revive the “Paper theatre at the service of dramaturgy” course.
The aim is to improve the students’ approach to stage work so as to externalise their intentions. During the first year course, each group extracted from the text the ideas they wanted to share with the audience.
During the first performances, some of these ideas made their way across the stage to the audience.
The other part, the one that remained unnoticed, is the reason for this revival

See French version