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Raphaëll Dupuy in “Tremplin residency” from 10 to 14 February 2025
Raphaëll Dupuy, a graduate of the 13ᵉ promotion of ESNAM, is benefiting from a Tremplin residency on the creation of his show “Fleur Bleue” (working title).
Workshop Girdlepuppets
During the February vacations, sign your child up for a 2 half-days! workshop on building and manipulating girdle puppets!
The FMTM 23 in pictures
86 companies (44 French, 6 Franco-foreign, 36 international), 25 countries, 452 performances, 18 world premieres, 19 French premieres, 22 FMTM co-productions, 43 newcomers… Discover the program for the 22nd edition of the Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes, based on the themes “Présences invisibles”, “(Des)humains”, “Sur les frontières du genre”, “Passeurs d’histoires”, “Combattantes” and a focus on South Korea.