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Open Day on 22 March
In 2025, for World Puppet Day, coordinated by UNIMA, the Pôle International de la Marionnette – Jacques Félix is opening the doors of ESNAM and joining forces with the Cité des Arts de la Marionnette network to offer new ideas to the public.
The programme includes visits, an escape game, a workshop, a meeting and the screening of an animated film
Emeline Rotolo: research residency in February
Emeline Rotolo is writing her doctoral thesis on puppet shows in Paris and Bordeaux in the first half of the 19th century.
Flashback : the 14th class in pictures
Discover the 1st semester of courses at ESNAM in pictures
The FMTM 23 in pictures
86 companies (44 French, 6 Franco-foreign, 36 international), 25 countries, 452 performances, 18 world premieres, 19 French premieres, 22 FMTM co-productions, 43 newcomers… Discover the program for the 22nd edition of the Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes, based on the themes “Présences invisibles”, “(Des)humains”, “Sur les frontières du genre”, “Passeurs d’histoires”, “Combattantes” and a focus on South Korea.