Sonnets d’ombre #2

February 2023 – ESNAM 13
Workshop directed by Fabrizio Montecchi
As part of the 2nd year
This performance brought to a close a two-week course focusing on the scenic writing of shadow theatre, covering dramaturgy, scenography, silhouettes, acting, music, lighting, etc. The students were invited to explore and create various short forms, short essays, based on William Shakespeare‘s Sonnets.
Sonnet 73 Tu peux le voir en moi – Kahina Abderrahmani, Elise Cornille and Camille Marcon
Sonnet 99 et 109 J’ai vu bien d’autres fleurs, mais je n’en vis pas une qui eût pu te voler ton parfum ou ta teinte – Julie Gouverne, Melody Shanty Mahe, Luana Montabonel, Maxence Moulin and Mathilde Peinetti
Sonnet 66 Poème sur la 66ème – Inès Dill-Camara and Gurvan Grall
Video: Aurélie Oudin