Fear of falling (failing)

December 2023
Solstice by Pedro Hermelin-Vélez

Students in the 13th class are presenting a solo exercise entitled “Solstice”, a first independent exercise in which each student imagines a short form lasting 5 to 10 minutes. Each project leader works in pairs with another student from the graduating class, who acts as an outsider and privileged partner. The student manages all stages of the process, has his/her own budget and workspace, in total autonomy, accompanied by members of ESNAM’s Pedagogical Council. The presentation follows 5 weeks of work.

A skateboarder falls for the first time. He will face his failure and his fear of the fall.

Stage direction, performance and writing: Pedro Hermelin-Vélez
Outside view: Mélody Shanty Mahe

Thanks to the pedagogical council for its support, to Marcel Ebbers for his advice, to Manuel Dias for his accompaniment at the workshop, to the 13th promotion for supporting me in my moments of doubt, and to the skateboarders/artists at La Skatetoria in Brussels.

Production video: Stéphane Nota