The Pôle International de la Marionnette – Jacques Félix supports creation. It provides long-term support for national and international artists and companies, through residences for creation.

Singe Diesel
The spectator follows the story of Tom, a blind homeless man, who uses his puppets to show a city as he imagines it, as if in a dream. A visual, poetic and psychedelic show.
Creation FMTM 2021

Elle, fille d’ogre
Compagnie Agathe dans le vent
Inspired by Rocky and fairy tales, Elle explores her journey and her emotions. As a child, she felt like the daughter of the ogre in Little Thumb. As a teenager, she was a runaway Sleeping Beauty. As an adult, she was a recidivist wife of Bluebeard.
Creation 2021

Racines du ciel
Théâtre de l’Heure Bleue
Trees as a living link between heaven and earth, roots symbolising anchorage and all that is hidden: it is in a delicate visual and poetic bubble that Laura Elands evolves with puppets, masks and sculptures. Shrouded in a warm light, a gentle succession of tableaux vivants come to life to speak of an oh-so-sensitive theme: mourning. The loss of a loved one that disrupts the landscape and deprives the body of the physical links that bound it to the vanished body.
Creation FMTM 2021

L’Ivresse des profondeurs
Sayeh Sirvani
Deep-sea drunkenness is a disorder that can affect any diver during a descent in cylinders. Euphoria, confusion, blurred vision, loss of consciousness, anxiety, hallucinations… Your capacity for judgement is reduced, you forget; you don’t make the right choices in the right time, putting your life in mortal danger. The exhilaration here is that of plunging into a world of escapes, of realities that topple over; of words that you can’t say or others that you repeat to yourself to reassure yourself.
Creation FMTM 2021

A show of visual and musical theatre that takes us on a journey through the ages, exploring, through moving images, acting and song, the infinite ways that humanity has adopted to represent itself, to leave a trace of its passage through the world.
Creation 2020

Au fond des mers
Collectif 23h50
In the beginning there was the water, the sea, then little by little: life. Two strange divers set off to explore the deep sea. As they dive, they come across a strange creature that transforms, metamorphoses and takes on different appearances, growing until it is ready to come out of its shell. Au Fond des Mers draws a parallel between the aquatic world and the world inside the womb.
Creation 2021

Oh ! La La
Centre de Création pour l’Enfance – Collectif Ma-Théâ
(France – Slovenia)
A show of poetry and images, tender and sparkling, ironic and profound, joyful and sensitive, where we ‘count’ on our fingers in our own way and on our loved ones more than ever in this hectic world. It’s a show that gives us a glimpse inside the heads of children young and old…

Le Garçon à la valise
Compagnie Grizzli
This show uses actors and a variety of puppetry techniques to tell the story of two teenage migrants who cross the border from one country to another.
techniques to tell the story of two teenage migrants who cross borders in a desperate attempt to escape the war and war and violence in their home country. They hope to hope to find a welcoming nation to make a fresh start, but does such a place exist?
Creation 2020
Presentation at FMTM 2021

Où cours-tu comme ça ?
Cie PuceAndPunez
I’ve always been told that I’m going too fast, that I need to slow down, take my time. Hearing ‘Breathe, stop doing ten things at once’ makes me tense up inside: the feeling of imprisonment, of a space that’s shrinking and oppressing me. So I go for a run for an hour, sometimes two or three. In the woods. On my own. Running. I started because I wanted to hit. As a teenager, I needed to expand my space. People told me, ‘Go and run, you’ll come back when you can talk! I’m not sure I came back.
Creation 2020

Encore une belle journée
Compagnie Atipik
This is an adaptation of a classic of children’s literature, Hulul. Aimed at the very young, we hope to use short illustrated texts to explore feelings and the world close to children’s hearts: what is loneliness? Why be afraid at night? What’s big and what’s small?
Presentation at FMTM 2019