The Projets Artistiques Globalisés (PAG) are national education programs designed to bring artists into the classroom. Every school year, the Pôle International de la Marionnette – Jacques Félix offers several workshops designed in collaboration with the artistic teams, the DSDEN (Direction des Services Départementaux de l’Éducation Nationale) and the Conseil Départemental des Ardennes. PAGs can take place from kindergarten to high school. These workshops are sometimes combined with an FMTM or Temps d’M show.
École de Boulzicourt
2024-2025 : a PAG is taking place with La Soupe company in December, based on the show Et puis, which the pupils came to see during Temps d’M 2024. Two classes, CP-CE1 and CE1-CE2, will be involved in this project.
Collège de Vireux Wallerand
2024-2025 : a second PAG will take place in May with the Le Printemps du machiniste collective, around the show Dans mon foutu zoo. It will involve two fourth-grade classes and, to a lesser extent, two fifth-grade classes and two third-grade classes.
École Croiziat, collèges Viénot et Bayard, lycée Bazin
2024-2025 : a PAG is underway with Coraline Charnet of the Nos Craethera company and Barbara Mélois on “Founding texts of European literature and puppet theater: in the language of matter”, with two classes from the Collège Vienot in Rocroi, a class from the Ambroise Croizat school in Theux, a class from the Collège Bayard and a class from the Lycée François Bazin.
Company website :