Theater is essential

© Patrick Argirakis

In the global technical civilization, formed by so many particular cultures and threatened by its conflicts, the theater is – I firmly believe – the builder of hope and a magnifying glass through which one glimpses the future. Not because it would show the world better than it really is, but because it gives hope to witness the rebirth of humanity. If the theater is the place of free communication between free men about the mystery of the world, it shows the way that leads to tolerance, to mutual respect, to respect for the miracle of being.

Václav Havel, World Theatre Day, 27 March 1994
© Patrick Argirakis

In view of the gloomy international situation, the association Les Petits Comédiens de Chiffons, organizer of the World Festival of Puppet Theaters of Charleville-Mézières, guarantor of the philosophy initiated by its founder Jacques Félix, recalls its spirit of fraternity with the peoples of the East as well as with those of the whole world, in particular with the peoples who have been struck, violated, pushed to leave by the horror of wars and by the violence of liberticidal dictatorships.
The arts, and those of the puppet in particular, testify to a creative ideal of humanity, vector of exchange and understanding between populations, betting on the respect of each identity, the search and the sharing of a universal common.

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