
The Pôle International de la Marionnette – Jacques Félix supports creation. It provides long-term support for national and international artists and companies through financial support.

© C.Caron


Planète Licorne

Théâtre la Licorne

Claire Dancoisne is setting up her semi-trailers on the Place Ducale with some of her curiosities (shows, exhibitions, impromptu events, meetings, guest companies). It’s a space where the fantastic meets the ordinary, where extracts from the story of La Licorne meet a present full of surprises. A fairground installation open to the city, where heavy and light objects invite passers-by to take part in an unusual journey.

Creation FMTM 2019

Company website
© Jaka Varmuz



Centre de Création pour l’Enfance – Collectif Ma-Théâ – Théâtre De Marionnettes De Ljubljana
(France – Slovenia)

Coucou is a show for toddlers from 18 months, using the graphic constructions of visual artist Lucie Félix as a starting point. We discover, we share, we hide, we scare each other, we have fun, we rekindle our individual and collective joy.

Creation May 2019
Presentation at FMTM 2019

Company website
© La main d’œuvres


Le rêve d’une ombre

La main d’œuvres

Le rêve d’une ombre (The dream of a shadow) is a link between a dreamlike universe and the world of today. It is a question of body, soul and reflection. A mise en abîme of the shadow and its double in front of a sharp mirror reflecting only in black and white, in shadow and light.

Creation FMTM 2019

Company website
© DR


Psaumes pour Abdel

Laura Fedida

Four performers including a guitarist. A telephone booth in the middle of a burnt landscape. Gendarmes’ glove puppets. It’s a small apocalyptic machine, rebellious and sad. To the music of Joe Dassin, in the middle of a rave party.

Creation FMTM 2019

© Compagnie Tantôt


Souvenirs d’un amnésique

Compagnie Tantôt

Eric Bézy, alone on stage, recalls his adolescence through the true experience of an amnesia that struck him for 24 hours. While he tells his story sitting behind a table, his hands are busy making an original film. The show combines object theatre and stop motion video.

Creation at FMTM 2019

Company website
© Michel Renaux


Haut les bras ! – Exposition

Effigie(s) Théâtre

Haut les bras ! presents the work of Marcel Temporal and his son Jean-Loup, both of whom left their mark on the history of puppetry. The exhibition features girdle puppets made by Marcel Temporal in the 1930s, breaking with traditional aesthetics, as well as wooden heads, drawings, documents and photos.

Creation FMTM 2019


Company website
© Ivan Boccara


Alors Carcasses

Compagnie trois-six-trente

Alors Carcasse is an epic poem in which the character’s name appears 301 times, making Carcasse the undisputed central character. Directed by Bérangère Vanstusso, the company has a hybrid creative approach, at the crossroads of plastic arts and theatre, where puppets and actors meet.

Creation FMTM 2019

Company website
© Théâtre la Licorne


L’homme qui rit

Théâtre la Licorne

A great baroque epic, The Man Who Laughs is one of Victor Hugo’s great novels. Fairground theatre and the manipulation of objects, it is a whole universe that mixes the fairy tale, the horror film, theatrical fantasy, the most implacable cruelty and offbeat humour.

Creation November 2018
Presentation at FMTM 2019

Company website
© Le fil rouge théâtre


Un opéra de papier

Le Fil rouge théâtre

What does it mean to live? To come into the world? Where are we before we are born? Where do we go when we die? Meeting people at both ends of life. Young age and old age. Towards the beginning and towards the end. Mixing the smooth and the crumpled in a Paper Opera.

Creation January 2019
Presentation at FMTM 2019

Company website
© DR



Ensemble C Barré

What is man’s place in the cosmos? Humour, a bit of cruelty and a lot of tenderness are all part of this creation for young audiences, the result of a collaboration between a musical ensemble and a puppet company.

Creation September 2018

Company website