Medical-social field
The Pôle International de la Marionnette – Jacques Félix is a regular contributor to various structures in the medico-social field. This partnership enables the organization of workshops and shows, giving patients the opportunity to create and express themselves through puppetry.
- Workshops for adults at the CRFA (Centre de Rééducation Fonctionnel Adultes), the GEM (Groupe d’Entraide Mutuel) of the UEROS unit (Unité expérimentale d’évaluation, de réentraînement et d’orientation sociale et professionnelle) and for children at the CRFE (Centre de Rééducation Fonctionnel pour Enfants), led by Jurate Trimakaite and Juliette Pacalet.
- Two shows hosted by the CRFA and CRFE: Quatrains by La Trouée company and Object side story by Big up company.
- A meeting between puppeteer Aurélie Hubeau of Méandres company and patients and caregivers from the Michel Fontan addictology unit and the day hospital at Centre Hospitalier Bélair.
- Celles qui trinquent: an immersive, sound-based exhibition documenting these encounters at FMTM 2023.
- Following on from this work, Aurélie Hubeau will present her new show ALCOOLIQUE! at FMTM 2025.
- Workshops for CRFA adults and CRFE children led by Jurate Trimakaité
- Two shows hosted by CRFA: Les marionnettes de Budapest by Bence Sarkadi (Hungary) and Lisapo Ongé! by Hubert Mahela (Democratic Republic of Congo)
- Two shows hosted by the CRFE: Poli dégaine by la Pendue company and Les marionnettes de Budapest by Bence Sarkadi (Hungary)