Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes

Adapted shows

Within the framework of the FMTM, the artistic and cultural action team draws up a selection of shows according to different disabilities: shows accessible to the visually impaired, shows accessible to the hearing impaired, shows accessible to people suffering from mental disorders. These 3 selections are then presented to the structures concerned.

Adapted experiences

In 2023, vibrating vests were made available to the deaf and hard-of-hearing for the show La langue des Cygnes by the Graine de vie company. A tactile visit and a meeting with the Arnica company for the Terrier show enabled visually impaired people to discover the scenography and puppets through touch.

New pictograms

In 2023, two new pictograms made their appearance in the FMTM program to indicate the presence of bright lights or loud noises. They were designed in partnership with the MDPH.

Welcome and rates

A contact form has been set up to welcome people with disabilities to the FMTM. AAH (Allocation Adulte Handicapé) recipients benefit from a reduced rate to attend shows, and in case of disability requiring an accompanying person, the latter benefits from free admission.

Solidarity tickets and free tickets

Every year at the FMTM, the Pôle International de la Marionnette – Jacques Félix donates tickets to the Culture du Cœur association. Spectators can also donate tickets to Culture du Cœur. Culture du Cœur then distributes them to various organizations such as CADEF 08, Dest1 Sedan, L’Espérance Sedan, GEM le Moulin, Femmes relais 08 and Femmes ressources Charleville.


As part of a partnership with the TAC (Charleville-Mézières bus network), shuttles are organized during the FMTM to take people to 3 different shows. 11 associations benefited from this scheme in 2023.

© Noody Prod – Visite tactile