The Puppetry Arts Portal (PAM) is getting a makeover!


A project launched in 2008, the PAM, which has been online since 2019 in a so-called ‘laboratory’ form, is now accessible in a stabilised and ergonomic version.

The purpose of the Portal has been clarified: the PAM is a digital library for the puppetry arts.
It brings together a rich database of over 25,000 online resources on this artistic practice.
With the aim of improving the experience of its users :

  • The graphics have been cleaned up
  • The MAP menu and tree structure have been clarified
  • We have returned to the essence of the FRBR model on which the PAM is based (a data model that enables documents to be described in detail and links to be created between them) to make it easier to enrich the database.
  • More direct access to thematic folders has been created
  • The search segments have been redesigned to better guide users in their exploration
  • Online search results are now weighted so that the most relevant results come up first

This year-long project, carried out jointly by several members of our team and a dedicated team at PMB Services, our technical service provider, should make it easier for users to navigate the MAP and enhance its usefulness to all the communities it addresses: the simply curious, amateurs, professionals and researchers alike.

In dialogue with its partners, the Pôle International de la Marionnette – Jacques Félix must now consider the animation and enrichment of this Portal so that it meets the renewed interest of the widest possible audience.