

Open Day on 22 March

In 2025, for World Puppet Day, coordinated by UNIMA, the Pôle International de la Marionnette – Jacques Félix is opening the doors of ESNAM and joining forces with the Cité des Arts de la Marionnette network to offer new ideas to the public.
The programme includes visits, an escape game, a workshop, a meeting and the screening of an animated film


Emeline Rotolo: research residency in February

Emeline Rotolo is writing her doctoral thesis on puppet shows in Paris and Bordeaux in the first half of the 19th century.


Flashback : the 14th class in pictures

Discover the 1st semester of courses at ESNAM in pictures


Support us!

Membership is a strong sign of support. If you appreciate the project implemented by the Pôle International de la Marionnette, become a member!


Raphaëll Dupuy in “Tremplin residency” from 10 to 14 February 2025

Raphaëll Dupuy, a graduate of the 13ᵉ promotion of ESNAM, is benefiting from a Tremplin residency on the creation of his show “Fleur Bleue” (working title).


Workshop Girdlepuppets

During the February vacations, sign your child up for a 2 half-days! workshop on building and manipulating girdle puppets!


The Puppetry Arts Portal gets a facelift!

The PAM (Portail des Arts de la Marionnette), Puppetry arts portal, is undergoing maintenance.
A new, more user-friendly version will be available from 31 January 2025. Thank you for your understanding.
See you soon online!


Frédéric Maurin President of the Pôle

Frédéric Maurin is a member of the Conseil économique social et environnemental de la région Centre – Val de Loire (CESER), as a qualified person. He chairs the Mouffetard – Centre national de la marionnette in Paris and the Pôle international de la marionnette – Jacques Félix in Charleville-Mézières.


Pôle International de la Marionnette –JacquesFélix

Great news for Charleville-Mézières and the world of puppetry!
The Petits Comédiens de Chiffons and the Institut International de la Marionnette, have merged to form a single entity: the Pôle International de la Marionnette – Jacques Félix.


Anastasia Puppis : research residency in January

Anastasia Puppis has a dual career as a puppeteer and researcher. She is developing an innovative research project on the iconography of puppet shows in Europe from the Middle Ages to the 19th century […]