It’s back to school time for the 16 students in the 14th class (2024-2027) of the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts de la Marionnette. They have already been trained in theatre, visual arts, dance and circus.

Welcome to Laïs, Séraphine, Oscare, Isa, Ivan, Jordi, Elsa, Nicolas, Héloise, the two Anatoles, and also to those who have travelled from afar: Nayara from Brazil, Matteo from Italy, Anna from Russia, Lucile from Switzerland and Klara from South Africa.

Photo caption, from top to bottom and left to right: Anna Nikolskaia, Anatole Verger Bernard, Laïs Argis, Jordi Pétra Gallizia, Nicolas Longuet, Matteo Nifosi, Nayara Martins Soares, Isa Dehostingue, Héloïse Marsal, Klara Van Rooyen, Anatole Aubin, Ivan Duval, Oscare de Coninck, Lucile Seilaz, Elsa Leger, Séraphine Boucreux.

It’s going to be a week of integration, with the discovery of the teams, the spaces, the programme… This will be followed by participation in Temps d’M, with a workshop on critical analysis of shows based on a rich experience as an audience member.

The first year focuses on acquiring the fundamentals: the plastic arts, working with the body and its relationship to space and the object, using tools in the workshops, building puppets and masks, acting and voice, handling and animating puppets, the fundamentals of the Lyonnaise girdle puppet and an introduction to the Chinese girdle, discovering shadow theatre and paper theatre, and also opening up to other disciplines, cabaret, cinema and puppetry. The year will end with a solo experiment.

ESNAM contributes to local cultural life by regularly presenting the work of its students at the Théâtre de l’ESNAM and elsewhere. Keep your eyes peeled, all this is open to the public, booking required.